Thursday, December 13, 2012

November 2012

 Got the boys yearly pictures taken this month. I don't like them as much as last years, because I didn't find anyone to take them outside. But they turned out cute and the boys had fun. They were acting like models. It was so funny.

 We spent a lot of time as a family this month. Jon has had weekends off so its nice to go places or just relax at home. I wish I took pictures but forgot my camera most times we were out.

 Jon's sister Kari and husband Mike came to visit for Thanksgiving. We love when they come to visit. The boys forget all about me and Jon and just love on Mike and Kari. Coy loves to show them all the new things he can do and Austin just loves talking their ears off. We are always sad to say good buy but we had four wonderful days to visit.

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